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Parameterization is a feature in Qyrus which enables users to pass data to their scripts through external xlsx files or datatables. Parameterization can be achieved by marking a step as 'Parameterized', this term denotes that the data for that particular step is being picked up from external xlsx parameter file or datatable for that particular environment. Users can leverage this option and mark multiple steps as parameterized in the Test Steps page. Ultimately users will be able to provide different data for each step per execution through the parameterized file.
There are two parameterization features available in Web Testing:
By toggling the "Use New feature" option, you can create the datatable using our TDM service. Explore more about it in TDM documenation.
The existing feature allows you to parameterize the Steps by adding the data in the xlsx file and uploading the same data file before executing the Test Script. You can use the existing Parameterization feature by following the steps below:
Previously Created Project
Previously Created Module
Previously Created script
Note: This feature is also available within Test Lab and Sprints.
Navigate to previously created Test Script or Create new Test Steps by following the Step creation documentation.
After creating the steps you need to click on the "parameterize" button to make the column parameterized.
Then you need to provide the Data Column name and save the script.
Under the Parameter File tab, disable the "Use new feature" option.
Follow the steps mentioned under the Parameter File tab.
You can download the template file by clicking on the Download Template button.
Enter the required data in the data-table.
Note: The Data Column name should be same as the Data Column added while creating the Test Steps.
: This field is mandatory and denotes the name of the test case execution for which the corresponding data will be referenced. Number of Test_Case rows denotes the number of execution which will be performed for the same test script, however each execution will have different data from corresponding Test_Case row. Example : since in the below image there are two rows for 'Test_Case', the test script will be executed two times, the first execution where Username step data value will be and the second execution where Username step data value will be
Upload the updated data file by clicking on the Upload Template button.
Once the file is successfully uploaded, you can execute the test.
On the Run window disable the "Use new feature" option and click on Run Test button.
The Test Script will be executed for the particular test cases defined in data table.
Parameterization in script execution involves providing multiple sets of inputs. Typically, the test cases and corresponding data values are specified in a table, where each row represents a test case with data values in equivalent columns. However, this new feature allows us to skip the execution of a specific step associated with a data column by filling that column with a '~' operator in the parameterized excel file/table.
The standard way of defining data in the sheet is.
Test Result before negation/without ~ operator.
To skip the step for one of the scenarios replace the amazon url with ~ operator
Test Result after running with one scenario skipped.